January 5, 2010

  • I knew it was coming..

    Category:  2010

    "I'll take 'Things that will disappear permanently' for $600, Alex."


    "What are BABY WORDS?"


    I know it's part of growing up, and I wouldn't have it any other way but I can still be just a tiny bit bummed about it, right?  The first week of 2010 brought the end to some of my favorites of Austin's "baby words".  You know, words he ALWAYS mispronounced, and mixed up the syllables with.  I 'd them.. and now they're gone forever.. sigh.  I purposely haven't tried to correct his words like that, b/c I knew they would disappear in time on their own and they were so fun and cute to listen to.  I mean, it's not like he's gonna go to high school mixing up his L's and W's.  I just wanted to enjoy it while I could.. I would even whisper to someone if I heard them telling him the right way to say a word, "Shhhh, they'll disappear soon enough."  And, alas, they have. I felt a little stab the first time I heard him pronounce them correctly..

    The three that bit the dust were:

    "Que-uh-deesa" = Quesadilla  (my very favorite, I think!)

    "N'm'N's" = M'n'M's

    "Reebo's" = Rubio's

    Oh, well.. maybe he'll say "Lellow" (Yellow) and "You're Lecome" (welcome) for a few more weeks before he officially grows up.


Comments (1)

  • aww...its ok momma...theres going to be some words to replace the baby ones that he'll STILL not pronounce correctly!  haha  Of course those might be embarrassing as well....LOL

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