January 3, 2010

  • Buster Car Warren Fannin

    That is what happens when you let a 3 yr old help to name a dog.  We have liked several names that never quite stuck with him..  Sarge and Tug being the top 2 contenders..  Salty was on the table for a while.. Finally we really liked "TUG".  But Austin hated the name.  We would ask him if that was his new dog's name, or if he liked that name and he always and without hesitation said, "NOOOOOOO."  Like he was repulsed by it.  I don't think it was just a rebellion or control thing.   I asked him in several ways, and at several diff. times of day/moods and he seemed to genuinely not like it.  Maybe we are letting him have too much say, I don't know, but I hate to think that we would name the dog something that he hates to say.  It's going to be in our family for the next 10 years or so.  So we wanted to find something that all 3 of us could live with.

    His suggestions were equally repulsive to us...  His first suggestion:

    CORVETTE.  um, NO.  Not a dog name.


    His next suggestion... PERCY.  Of Thomas the Tank Engine fame.  The dog is going to be huge.  "Percy"..?..  I think I would be embarrassed to yell "Percy!" at our big dog.  Chris totally agreed.  Percy-VETO.


    His third suggestion, wasn't so bad.. getting closer..  Turner.  You know, the screwdriver on Handy Manny.  Not a completely bad suggestion, but we weren't feeling like the dog "looked" like a Turner.  FYI, Turner (purple one) is the standard head screwdriver.  Felipe (yellow one) is the Phillips head.  Don't mix them up, Austin will correct you.

    handy manny

    So then we came up with the name Buster.. and I thought, oh that's a dog on My Friends Tigger and Pooh.  Maybe we can sell it to Austin that way.  And he latched right onto it and loved it.  He has even referred to the puppy as Buster a few times.  Like, "when we pick Buster up" or "when Buster comes home".... So I think the dog's name is officially Buster. 

    We wanted to make the middle name Duke in memory of our dog that we lost.. and when we mentioned "middle name", Austin promptly told us that the dog's middle name was Car.  Very matter of fact.  Then the last couple of days he has been saying that the dog's name is Buster Car Warren (his middle name) Fannin.

    I think "Newman" is a good dog name, too.. you could do a Seinfeld impersonation every time you called your dog.  Hello, Nnnnnnewman.  Sit, Nnnnnewman.  I digress.  (Chris put the veto on Newman.)

    Well, that is the process of naming a dog, when you let a 3 yr old in on the negotiations...

    Here, from birth to 7 weeks..

    Buster Duke (Car Warren) Fannin

    (maybe on his fancy papers, we should make it the Duke of Bustershire.. call name Buster-LOL)



    One week:



    Two weeks:


    Three weeks:


     Four weeks:


    Five weeks:



    Six weeks:


    Seven weeks:



    We will meet you in one week, little Buster.. Busteroo.. Filibuster.. Bust your chops.. Blockbuster.. Door buster.. Buster Keaton.. Bust-a-rhyme... Hmm.  "BUSTER" has lots of Bustery nick-name potential.

    I read in a book last night that a Newfoundland is not the breed of dog you want to have if you are a fastidious house-keeper.. or if you are someone who is very finicky about their clothing being pristine. LOL!!  My mom is probably laughing and shaking her head right now.  Sounds like the PERFECT dog for us!!  

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