November 22, 2009

  • One week old puppy...

    Here is a pic or two or three of our newest Fannin family member..  We don't get him for another 8 weeks, at least, but here are his one week old pictures...  We have not settled on a name, but are leaning towards, "TUG" ...  today, Austin came up with the name "TURNER" out of no-where!  Turner is one of the screwdriver's names in the Disney show Handy Manny.

    But for now, here is our little Tugger..

    He's really ours...  I can't believe it!



    Next week's pics should maybe show him with his eyes open...



    He has a little white goatee on his chin..



    Oh, look at that face.. I just LOVE it!  He may grow to be BIG and furry and leave dog-hair tumbleweeds here and there, and slobber on things, but I have a feeling he is going to bring lots of love and learning to this house...
